1-day retreats for expressive catharsis


you are cordially invited to a day of you.

a day when your emotions can breathe + speak + take up all the space they need.

intensives are great for times of transition, change + discomfort. they can be especially helpful during times of grief + loss.

through creative expression, improvisation, storytelling + movement therapy, we’ll discover unconscious patterns, release stuck emotions + reach beautiful catharsis (be it through laughter or tears).

during your integration intensive, we might…

  • connect with the imaginal

    the imaginal realm is full of possibility, insight + healing. my toolkit of drama, dance, music + art therapy techniques may ignite your imagination.

  • honor your creativity

    let’s celebrate your creativity + integrate it into your daily practice of processing your emotions. expressing yourself creatively is integral to maintaining emotional wellness.

  • tell your truth

    find the courage to share the narrative that has shaped you + to shape that narrative into a story that serves you. narrative sharing allows you to speak your truth externally + internally.

  • heal past trauma

    storing trauma in the mind + body limits one’s ability to grow, learn new things, adapt + transform. allowing trauma patterns to surface through creative expression can enable us to make meaning + to process what has formerly felt incomprehensible.

  • befriend your inner child

    children know how to use the imagination with remarkably intense playfulness + ease. i am a fan of communing with your inner child. ask for advice, integrate their lessons + harmonize your ability to access + maintain child-like playfulness.

  • get experimental

    we may try things that require you to step outside your comfort zone + try something you thought you couldn’t do, or have resistance towards. being experimental + open to doing things that feel silly, uncomfortable, or weird is a necessity.


i’m here to witness + honor ALL of you.

expressions of grief, trauma + shock are welcome here.

feelings of hopelessness, depression, addiction + anxiety are also welcome.

joy, calm, sweetness + care are invited.

laughter + tears are celebrated.

nothing your bring will be too weird or too much for me.

whether we let loose or sit in silence together, i’ll be with you until your expression emerges.


please speak from your heart. i’m here to listen.


unicorn retreat

in-person day-long retreat

10am - 6pm (with meal)


bear retreat

virtual day-long retreat

10am - 6pm


Fox Retreat

virtual half-day retreat

10am - 2pm



  • to resolve a conflict with a loved one, to make a tough decision, to process a loss, to honor grief, to integrate change, to problem solve, to revisit past trauma, to begin a process of self inquiry.

    intensives offer spaciousness to spread out emotionally, when weekly hour long sessions aren’t enough. when something needs room to become a living problem, to breathe + take up space.

  • los padres national forrest

    santa barbara, ca

  • when experiences are painful or traumatic there may be parts of the psyche that are left unintegrated. meaning, they are holding information that has not been processed. integration is important to sustaining mental health + wellness. when we bury feelings, we bury them alive.

  • no, it is perfectly fine to know that you feel called to an intensive session without knowing what exactly you are trying to integrate. we can find that out together.